When I was in Tokyo recently I got a kick, as I always do, out of silly things like going to the local supermarket and seeking out old products that I remember marvelling at or even using back in the day. Below are two very special items that my non-existent readership may recognise from a couple of posts on this very blog from 2005.
I’m sorry but when I encountered these two little beauties I felt like I had been reunited with two old friends I hadn’t seen in 18 years. Am I insane? I don’t think so, it’s just that I get such a kick out of anything that connects me to this place Japan and reminds me that I was here, living and breathing and treading my path. A different me to now but still me, and I’m so glad that the back then me of me made the effort to explore life and seek adventures. I guess I haven’t changed. The same things that drove me and fascinated me back then are still in me today which is probably why I love exploring and trying new things as soon as I’m back, and why I get so much enjoyment out of the small, everyday, household bits-and-pieces like “Shall We?” short bread and “Creap” creamy powder…I love them, me old mates!