Friday, August 05, 2005

Back in the day...

I'm trying my best to put today's horrible failure at the hands of my valuation exam firmly in the past. Nothing like funny memories of friends gone by to move me along. Kerry sent me this photo a few days ago, and it's a good thing too because the big bastard on the right is my old mate Van from New York, who I've just got in touch with again. So naturally a big shout out goes out to you Van! The pic was taken on a night that seems to be firmly etched in Kerry's memory. The guy on the left is another work mate, John Kelly, who was particularly drunk that evening. From nowhere, I swear completely out of the blue, John staggers over to me and punches me in the face. You know, I didn't do anything...I recall being completely unphased by the whole event but Kerry swears the entire place froze in shock. Well, it doesn't sound too cool now, but I didn't react. Didn't do a thing. I remember feeling like it was all a joke and that I was on the receiving end of it. So what could I do? Anyways, the blurry bloke in the middle of the shot is another old friend from Aus' called Luke. Another shout out to you, Luke. So I'd like to appeal to all three of the dudes to come forward with any recollections of the night and help me set the record straight. Kerry insists I didn't do anything about it because I was so terrified. I say I didn't give a toss and it wasn't ill intentioned anyway. I'm feeling like an idiot over here, every time he brings it up. He won't let me live it down!

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