Friday, July 29, 2005

It's hot in here...

A view of Shinjuku Ogardo from the 5th floor window of my workplace. A little trivia now. You see the orange train rolling across the bridge? That's the Chuo line and it's a well known tale that the highest number of suicides occur on that particular line (as in, people throw themselves infront of it). Why? The popular wisdom states that in Japan, the owner/operator of the train line bills the earthly departed's family for any costs incurred from delays and so on, arising from the suicide's action. Of all the lines, the Chuo's the cheapest.

And now with happier news...summer's here! But, unfortunately, the time is not yet right for dancing in the street. That should kick of in August sometime. Regardless, Tokyo basked in a 35 degree heat yesterday and cooled off in the 32 degree heat of today. I love summer, and despite my Mitten's protests, I think I'll take a leaf out of this unit's book.

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